Sunday, 19 June 2016

Stressed Out. (Phew)

The last few days has been very stressful, for me.
I have 9 months time period to earn/make certain amount of money to be able to achieve my main goal, in life. I'm very determined to achieve it.
But talking to a couple of professionals (keeping it vague, for now, more details to come later)
and crunching some numbers, one of the conclusions I came to was, I need to find a better part time job then the one I have at Rogers Arena. I love working there, and love my coworkers and everybody else thats works in that arena. But the hours are unstable, depending on the month and time of the year. So I'm currently in search of a new part time job, hopefully with similar pay as I was getting from working at Rogers Arena, but stable hours. (like, weekly: 28-32 hours).
I had an interview last week, for a part time job, which would be perfect. Location is perfect, hours are perfect, the amount of hours per week is perfect, and pay too. And I know I am more then qualified for that job. I thought the interview went well. But yet, no call from them. And it made me super anxious and stressed out the last week. Staring at my phone, pleading for them to call me.

On top of that, a coworker suggested, I apply to be a casual in registration, so I can pick up shifts over there and get overtime. But in order for me to be an employee at registration, I need my medical terminology. So on Thursday, I signed up for the online course and I have been going through it. I was hoping to get it all done by Monday. Of course, not having an idea to what the course would be like. I do need to get my medical terminology certificate quickly, because my manager and the supervisor at registration are both leaving for a different job/position after the end of June. Got to get it down and apply through them before they are gone. So that has been stressing me out.
I also forgot I had my uncle's wedding to attend to yesterday, so that totally delayed my studying time.

Ceremony for the wedding was outdoors, and it was raining and really cold yesterday. I was already in a stressed out and horrible mood. The weather didn't make it better. Thankfully, my uncle and his new wife seemed to be happy either way, rain or shine. Then the reception took WAY longer then I was anticipated it to. I didn't get home yesterday until 11pm. No time for studying. So I'm doing as much as I can today, at the moment. I am aiming to get it done by Tuesday (at the earliest) or Wednesday (at the latest).

On Friday, I had a little breakdown. A coworker snapped at me/verbally attacked me out of no where. And I was in no mood for an argument or fight. And I kept dismissing her/him. But, because I was mentally stressed out from all of what is on my plater, I had a break down, and asked my manager to put me in a different room to do my work. Letting her know, I don't want drama, and I'm not going to be in a room where drama is going to be started out of nothing. I'm too freaking old for high school related drama. Honestly.

So, I was in no mood to write a blog post on Thursday or Friday.
Hopefully this upcoming week will be better.

Just Be You!

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