Monday, 11 September 2017

Guards Up - Stay On High Alert

One of the most valuable lessons that I learned at a young age from experience is to always keep your guards up and stay on high alert, with everybody that you meet.
You never know which friendly face is the one holding a knife behind their back ready to stab you in the back when you least expect it.

As a continuation of my previous posts, the vindictive person, has started showing me the "friendly face". But after what I heard and found out, I don't trust that face or them for even a second.
I believe, they're trying to find a way to throw me under the bus.

I have never once let my guards down. I have never once trusted a word they have said to me. I will not turn my back even for a second.

For every good person out there that's just trying to work hard, chase their dreams and live their life of happiness. Be careful with every single person you meet, everywhere and anywhere.


Wednesday, 6 September 2017

To All Ladies in this World!

To all my ladies out there that are single and feeling alone or hopeless or unwanted.
You don't need a man, for anything. Don't put yourself in the position where you need them for anything. Be independent, emotionally and financially. Nobody is going to ever love you more then yourself can. Know what you want, and what you deserve. Once, you know that, never ever settle for anything less. 
The right guy for you will rise up to meet your standards, the wrong guys will tell you "you're standards are too high" or " you're high maintenance".
Never put any value to the cheap words man feed you. Remember, they are only empty promises until they back it up with action. 

Being single does not mean you are unwanted or undeserving of love or unattractive.
It just means, they are too shallow to see your individual beauty or they are too self-centered to take the time to get to know you as a person.
Do not give the time of day to somebody that treats you like an option.
If they want to stay in your life, make them work for it.
If they want to walk out, let them, don't try to stop them.
But never let them stand in between the doorway, it's stopping the flow of traffic of potentially better man to walk through. 

No matter how good looking a man is, or how great of a person he may seem. It's never going to be worth your self pride, dignity and respect. There will always be somebody better looking, and better man. When life takes away something, it will return you with something better. Don't ever compromise what you're looking for or wanting to a man that is trying to manipulate you into bending over backwards for him. Stand your ground, be unapologetically fabulous and walk away with sass.

You're not born into this world to please others or to be on hand and foot for a man.
You're here to find your passion, have dreams, chase those dreams and be your own success story. Self love will always triumph over any man's love for you. 

Ladies, you have so much more power over man then you realize.
Put on your sexiest outfit, doll up, and strut that sidewalk, mall, or wherever like it's your runway. 

Nothing is more beautiful and dangerous then a lady that knows her worth, that stands her ground, knows what she wants and never ever settles for anything less.
Be you, own it! Know your strength (and weakness/flaws because nobody is perfect), know what you bring to the table and can offer. 
Confidence, independence and self respect.
