Everybody has probably been through this, making the same mistake over and over. You don't want to, and you try not to but yet it's like a curse. Never-ending.
Well folks, I'm going through that horrible, nightmare of a cycle. Trying to be conscience so I don't keep repeating the same mistake but yet, I become a bumbling idiot and can't seem to think before I speak.
The saying of "if you want something you never had, you have to do something you've never done before", I wonder how true that is. Life is short, not to take risks but what if all the previous times you've taken that risk has failed? Of course, one would be scared to take another risk like that again.
I've decided to leave it to fate. If it's meant to happen, and it's in my destiny (life story) then I'm sure it'll find a way of working out. Otherwise, it was not meant for me. Learning to let go of wanting to control everything and know the outcomes before hand. Learning not to worry and stress out over something that might not be meant for me. Learning to realize, to just let life do it's thing and to go with the flow.
Yes, I would be very disappointed and sad if I found out this isn't meant for me and it can't be (for whatever reasons). But I have to accept the fact and knowledge of; if it doesn't work out then there will be something better. Always got to keep a positive and open mindset.
Just Be You