Thursday, 16 February 2017

Strive, Persist and Try

"Nothing worth having comes easy "

Don't be afraid to work hard for what you want. Sometimes the results won't show right away and it'll manifest into something greater later on.
Never stop trying, just because you get a no, doesn't mean it's a defeat. It's life telling you, " try again".
If you want it bad enough, keep knocking on that door.
Persistent goes a long way.

"You need rain to get the rainbow "

No matter how many times life knocks you down, get back up. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Life will always be full of ups and downs. It will throw lemons at you, so you can keep making lemonade or make a lemon meringue pie, lemon tart, lemon cheesecake and so forth.
Life, isn't easy, so enjoy the good times, cherish the moments and create lasting memories. Life isn't about the destination but about the journey. Opportunities are not handed to you, you got to go find it or create it.

Sorry, if this post is full of static sentences. It's just thoughts and lessons I wanted to share. I know there are tons of people out there feeling defeated, depressed, unmotivated or inadequate.
Nobody can force you to feel better. Nobody can make you feel better. Fight to see the better days. You have to choose to feel better. Don't let anybody make you feel or think you're inadequate. You are not less then anybody else, you are more then good enough and have the potential to achieve all your dreams. But it starts with you.
In every negative or bad situation there is a positive side to it. It's you're choice to find it and see it or not to. No matter how bad it may appear, there is good that'll come out from it. Sometimes it's a lesson that you needed to learn. Sometimes it's a gateway to meet people that you need in your life. Or its life's way of telling you, "this is not for you". Find the positive. I guarantee there always is.

To anybody that's having a bad day or bad luck. Keep your chin up. Hold your head up high. The toughest battles are given to the strongest soldiers. Don't be ashamed of your emotional scars, be proud, for they're your battle scars. Everything that happens in your life is either a lesson you can pass on to another or a cherished memory you'll keep with you forever or a story you can tell to inspire and give hope to others.

Just Be You.